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Duranta Asha - a Poem by Rabindranath Tagore

Kabir Bayos

27. Poem 'Kabir Bayos' (The Poet's age) of he book Kshanika (Momentary) written in the year 1900. Translator's note: Maitrayee Devi's book Tagore By Fireside,...
Duranta Asha - a Poem by Rabindranath Tagore

Samanya Kshati

36. Poem: Samanya Kshati (Trifle Loss) written in 1899. Blows the cold wind of winter Along the river crystal clear In the rural solitude a bit far From...
Duranta Asha - a Poem by Rabindranath Tagore


24. Poem 'Tritia' = Threer = a three year old child) of the book 'Purabi' written in Buenos Aires on 4th December, 1924. Translator's note:...


3. Poem 'Biswashok' (The Universal Grief) of the book PUNASCHA (in Bengali) written in mid-thirties of the 20th Century. Translator's note: When the child of...
Duranta Asha - a Poem by Rabindranath Tagore


50. Poem 'Apramatta' (Un-frenzied) of the book 'Naibedya' (Offering) written in 1901 A.D. The devotion, impatient with Thee, Instantly yielding to dance and musical spree In reverential...
Duranta Asha - a Poem by Rabindranath Tagore


23. Poem 'Nagarlakshmi' (The Goddess of Wealth of the town) of the book KATHA in Bengali, written by the Poet in 1899. Translator's note: This...
Duranta Asha - a Poem by Rabindranath Tagore

Shesher Kabita

Shesher Kabita (=The Last Poem) A novel by Rabindranath Tagore (1861 to 1913 AD, Nobel Laureate of 1913) Courtesy: Dr. N. D. Batra, Professor of...
Duranta Asha - a Poem by Rabindranath Tagore


26. Poem 'Patralekha' (Letter Writing) from the book Punascha (Again), written in 1933. Translator's note: In this poem the poet depicts the frustration of a...