#Jamu: 3 Places to Get Jamu in Jakarta


Prevention is always better than cure. In this era of health risks, having a robust immune system is the key to health. A strong immune system is a result of the lifestyle choices, nutrition, exercise and mindset.

Jamu is a traditional herbal supplement to boost immunity. Here are places where you can get your dose of Jamu in Jakarta:

Jamu Bukti Mentjos

Jamu Bukti Mentjos comes from the now-defunct mentjos market across from it. What makes Jamu Bukti Mentjos so special is that the recipe for each jamu concoction is made from a recipe book that has been passed down for three generations. There are also a variety of buyers since this place was opened from the 1950s from young children, parents to senior citizens. Other than then special recipes, their ingredients are also the best which is imported from Central Java. Visitors can choose from jamu powder ready for concoction, herbal medicine packaging to ready-to-drink jamu.

Address: Jl. Salemba Tengah No.48, Paseban, Senen, Jakarta Pusat
Phone: +62-213908645

Suwe Ora Jamu

Suwe Ora Jamu is a simple shop selling jamu, coffee and traditional home snacks with the concept of ‘tempo doeloe’ which means ‘old’ style. Although it is set in that style, jamu served here have a contemporary twist, creating Jamu that is delicious and put in glass bottles for customers to buy. In total, there are 9 flavors, namely Turmeric Tamarind, Kaempferia Galanga (Sand Ginger), Rosella, Ginger Drink, Reeds, Cinnamon Citrus, Lemongrass, Javanese Tamarind, and Spice Ginger. If you would like more variety, then you can certainly order Jamu that is on the menu along with some traditional-style snacks.


  • Jl. Petogogan No. 28, Pondok Indah, Jakarta
    Phone: +62-2172790590
  • M Bloc Space, Jl. Panglima Polim Raya No. 37, Senopati, Jakarta
    Phone: +62-82123613381
  • Jl. Salihara No. 16, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta
    Phone: +62-87860067888
  • Grand Indonesia Mall, West Mall, Lantai 3, Alun-Alun Indonesia, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Thamrin, Jakarta
    Phone: +62-2123580875
  • Sarinah Building, Jl. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta

Acaraki Jamu

Jamu is usually synonymous with being outdated and tasting bitter among millenials, while Acaraki Jamu Café seeks to change that perception. What sets this café apart from others in the list is that jamu here are processed with the techniques of coffee- making, making it more modernized than other cafes. The Jamu served here are have a unique taste because of the process to which it was made as well as the ingredients added to it.


  • Gedung Kerta Niaga 3, Kota Tua, Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No.11, Pinangsia, Taman Sari, Jakarta Barat
    Phone: +62-2122693354
  • Jl. Kemang Raya Selatan No. 122, Jakarta Selatan
    Phone: +62-2122715889

Here are 5 Jamu recipes for you to try >>