Join Art of Living Meditation Session on 9th April at Hotel Westin, Jakarta

Join Art of Living Meditation Session on 9th April at Hotel Westin, Jakarta

Join Art of Living Meditation Session on 9th April at Hotel Westin, Jakarta

Mind in activity = bondage.

Mind without activity = liberation.

~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji

Come and join a FREE interactive meditation session organized by Art of Living Foundation, a non profitable and the largest volunteer based organization in the world.

This is in conjunction with the community Indoindians Bazaar, Children’s Painting Competition & Art Exhibition.

Date & Time: Sunday, 9th April 2023 | 1600 hrs – 1730hrs WIB

Venue: Medan Room, Level 1, Hotel Westin, Kuningan, Jakarta

Speaker: Mrs Deepti Chaturvedi, Senior Faculty, Art of Living, Jakarta.

** Limited seats

Registration is now closed

Meditation is no more a luxury; it’s a necessity. Tap the Energy within yourself. Experience the power of Breath and Meditation.

Meditation is restful alertness. Body rests while sleeping. But our mind needs something more. Meditation is your answer.

Let’s explore!!

Experience it yourself!!

More activities at the Indoindians Bazaar:

  1. Children’s Painting Competition for Ages 6-16 years – 11am to 1pm
  2. Pilates Mat and Posture Assessment – 2pm to 3pm
  3. The 5 Love Languages Workshop – 6pm to 7pm