Tracing the Footsteps of Kanchipuram Sarees


‘Tracing the Footsteps of Kanchipuram Sarees’ – a saree story event was held at Shanthi Seshadari’s residence, powered by Indoindians and its saree story team of Jyoti Chawla, Arti Gidwani, Shanthi Seshadari and Poonam Sagar.

Saree Story Team

The entire space was decorated with Shanthi’s personal collection of Kanchi sarees, each of which had a story such as the millenium saree or the Ramayana saree. Another saree had a unique tapestry style woven border. This set the backdrop for 12 beautiful models who showcased the beautiful Kanchipuram sarees in different hues and weaves. Even the members of the audience chose to attend the event to flaunt their Kanchipuram Sarees.

sarees as a backdrop for Indoindians Saree Story
Sarees as a backdrop for Kanchi Saree Story
Sarees displayed
Sarees displayed Millenium Saree & Tapestry Border Saree

Kanchipuram Sarees comes from Kanchipuram, a city in Tamil Nadu. These sarees are used particularly during important milestones such as marriage ceremonies. The reason is because these sarees are woven with mulberry silk, threaded with golden and silver thread. Therefore the heavier the saree, the more likely that it is highly prized with better quality. The most expensive saree is said to be a red Kanchipuram saree that uses mulberry silk, diamonds and precious stones in the fabric.

Apart from the Nivi drape, one of the models, Raji Mani draped the madisar style saree.

Photo album on Indoindians Facebook as below:

“The main idea behind these Sarees, is that it looks good on anyone from old to young, whether thin heavy, tall or petite”, as explained by Shanti Seshadari.

Overall, the event was filled with ladies whose curiosity has been completely satisfied. There were able to know more about Kanchipuram Sarees as well as see the different types. The ladies are also been able to mingle and socialize afterwards with servings of coffee, tea and snacks.

If you are interested in participating in future such events, please write to us at