6 Mental Health Tips During Isolation


As most of us are more accustomed to staying out than in, isolating yourself during these tough times can seem a little hard than you think it would. Getting couped up at home can make you feel insane and can hurt your mental health. Take care of your mental state by following these tips on staying sane during the isolation period.

Here are some tips during isolation:

Face Your Anxieties Head-On

If your anxiety starts to take control of your life, then practicing mindfulness and grounding techniques is useful to help us be present in this moment. Getting overly panicked about the future is not something we can control and therefore will only waste your time and energy. Which is why we recommend facing your anxieties head on and let your most fearful, anxious self voice speak. Respond kindly to it, but don’t let it control or determine the steps you will be taking in the future.

Vary Your Activities, Rather than Just Sitting in Front of the Screen

Whether for work or for pleasure, we are all accustomed to do whatever needs to be done on blue screens. However, looking at screens all day long is not the best way to spend your time, as looking at blue light from screens like smartphones can be disruptive to your sleep and overall well being. Why not try different activities to fill your time? Some that we recommend includes downloading podcasts, watching box sets, doing arts and crafts, knitting, trying meditation, baking new foods, learning a new hobby like origami, skyping friends, FaceTime calls, cooking, writing, reading a book, doing DIY or gardening.

Stay Connected to People

Another way to keep sane is to stay connected to people. Just because you are self-isolating, that does not mean that you cut off contact with others. The moment you are beginning to struggle, take some time off to call a friend or family member to talk about your feelings.

One of the most effective ways you can do this is to maintain your social network during self-isolation. You won’t be getting into physical contact with your loved ones as advised by health authorities, but you can still get contact with them through email, social media, video conference and telephone.

Limit Your News Intake

At crucial and important times such as these, the news coverage is extremely beneficial so that you may know the latest news coverage of what is happening to your surroundings and the world. However, reading too much about it can also backfire on you, if you become paranoid and anxious of everything surrounding you. We recommend that you opt out for a moment and only peek on important news on specific times of the day and avoid listening to or following rumors that make you feel uncomfortable.

Get some fresh air

This may be a tad difficult for some people, but getting some fresh air during isolation period will do you tons of good. It doesn’t take long and only takes a while, so try to spend a little time outside every day. The sun offers vitamin D that can help with your immune system. Other than that, breathing fresh air and feeling the sun on your face can really help to boost your mood. If you aren’t able to get outside, you can try keeping your curtains open and open your windows to get some air circulating around your home.

Help your community

Yes, it may seem to be hopeless to help out your community at times like these, but finding ways to help in the community could help combat feelings of helplessness. You can start by helping any elderly or vulnerable people near you by offering to pick up some groceries for them or give them a call just for a chat. You could also donate money or products to food banks or homeless shelters, or offer to tutor a young student in your area. Even the smallest gestures such as sending a friend a nice card can make a huge difference to your emotions and those around you.

Which tip do you think is the most helpful? Tell us your opinion in the comment section below!