5 High-Energy Dumbbell Workouts for Lazy Weekdays

5 High-Energy Dumbbell Workouts for Lazy Weekdays

There are days of the week where you will be lazy to do anything in your schedule due to low energy. Whether it is...
Tips to Losing Weight in Your 30s

Tips to Losing Weight in Your 30s

Your 30s might be the years where you find yourself, know what you want and where you are headed. But it’s clearly not the...
6 Types of Exercises for Heart Health: yoga

6 Types of Exercises for Heart Health

There are many forms of exercises that you can do. Whether it is something that benefits your shoulders, your abs or even your legs....
Q & A on COVID Care and Management with Dr Sanjeev Bhoi, AIIMS

Indoindians Online Event: Q & A on COVID Care and Management...

Indoindians Online Event: Q & A on COVID Care and Management with Dr Sanjeev Bhoi, professor of emergency medicine at AIIMS (All India Institute...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 7: SIRSASANA- Headstand Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 7: SIRSASANA- Headstand Pose

Day 6 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: SIRSASANA- Headstand Pose SIRSASANA- Headstand Pose Going into the asana:  - Get on your elbows and knees - Clasp your hands together, interlacing your fingers -...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 6: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 6: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose

Day 6 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose Going into the asana:  - Slide your knees toward your center line, stacking the right knee directly over...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 5: USTRASANA- Camel Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 5: USTRASANA- Camel Pose

Day 5 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: USTRASANA- Camel Pose USTRASANA- Camel Pose Going into the asana:  - Stand on your knees - Point your toes downwards - Put your hands on the...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 4: NATARAJA- Dancer Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 4: NATARAJA- Dancer Pose

Day 4 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: NATARAJA- Dancer Pose NATARAJA- Dancer Pose Going into the asana:  - Shift your weight onto the right foot. Bend your left knee to lift...