News & Events

Indoindians News and Events. Come & Join Largest India Communities in Indonesia.

9 Tips #HowTo Fly in Style This Holiday Season by Soumik Choudhury

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Holidays, here we come…

Namaste, Just the thought of holidays makes us smile. Get ready for all the fun there is to come with the Indoindians Travel guide. Choose amongst...

#EventReport: Mindfulness Practice – A Creative Mind

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. ... When we practice mindfulness, our...
Indoindians Weekly Newsletter, September 7, 2017

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter, September 7, 2017

Subject: How to Achieve a State of Well-being Our newsletter this week focuses on the #mental health issues. Read our tips on how to overcome...

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Let Food be Thy Medicine

Namaste, Let food be thy medicine said Hippocrates, father of medicine and his words have not been forgotten. There is a growing awareness on how...

#EventReport Indoindians Coffee Morning Health & Nutrition Talk: Is Sugar Toxic?

On January 16th 2019, Indoindians along with Geeta Seth, a a dietitian and 2 times gold medalist in nutrition organized morning health talk in...
5 Tips for Solo Travelling in Bali: Itinerary

Traveling to Bali from Overseas in 2022?

Bali is not quite back to the old days of travel but the new rules are a step forward in the right direction toward...
Arupa with her Artworks at Exhibition

Indoindians Artist Spotlight: Arupa Panigrahi

In art you have to go for a long time before you can say “I have done something’’. Arupa Panigrahi, self-employed realism artist in oil...
Indoindians Events 2021

Indoindians Events 2021

It's almost time for the end of the year! With the pandemic still making life uncomfortable, it may be hard to feel any sense...