On the 14th of February, Indoindians coffee morning was held, with the theme of ‘The 5 Love Languages Workshop’. Conducted by Shareen Ratnani, at Somerset Citra Apartment was all about communication for better relationships.
The participants shared experiences with Shareen on their love expression. She began the presentation with the foundation of love: self-love. Taking care of ourselves allows us to fill others with love as well. Self-love is the key of giving and getting more love in return.
It was interactive and engaging with activities for the participants, to enable them to discover more about themselves and ways to appreciate themselves.

Avoid miscommunication by filling others’ love tank according to their love language.
Discover your love language here >>
Along the way, participants are able express and spread their love to other participants attending the event.

All in all, it was a day filled with love and participants are able to feel more loved during that special day.
Everybody needs love. It is an innate need for a human been to feel loved and give love. However they may be some miscommunication along the way, as everyone’s love language is different. Learning the love language will help you foster loving relationships with people you care about like your family, friends and spouses.
Contrary to popular misconception of love happening naturally, relationships need hard work to maintain the spark. Keep the passion alive by understanding and expressing love depending on their love language.
Shareen Ratnani is Cofounder of Kiddie Planet, teacher trainer, workshop presenter and Parenting Coach. She has created workshops on various topics related to psychology, child development, and many others.