Stay Happy and Healthy This Rainy Season


Indoindians weekly newsletter online here >>

Namaste Friends,

Our very 1st online Indoindians Diwali eBazaar was a marathon, and super
successful with many vendors showcasing their products online. Check out
and buy the products at
Do share your feedback and comments on the online bazaar experience and how
we can make it even better.

Its rainy season in Indonesia. During this season it takes extra care to
manage your immune system through nutrition, exercise, meditation and good

Upcoming online events:
17th Nov: Track 4 – Digital Product Innovation. Register at
18th Nov: Cooking Shooking with friends to Upcycle Festive Mithai
21st Nov: Watercolor Painting Workshop with Pavan Kapoor

This edition of the newsletter has many informative articles:
– Preparing for The Rainy Season in Jakarta
– 7 activities when it’s raining in Bali
– Foods To Keep You Healthy During Rainy Season
Jamu, the Indonesian Secret to Health
Health with Tulsi Leaf
Best time to Raja Ampat

Warm regards,
Indoindians Team

Indoindians weekly newsletter online here >>