4 Famous Art Galleries in Yogyakarta


Other than Bali and Jakarta, Yogyakarta is yet another city with a very active art scene to know more about Indonesian art and culture. This city is particularly different and unique compared to other places as features a mix of traditional and contemporary art. Due to the melting pot of people in Yogyakarta, art can be seen in every corner of this city. From the graffiti lined walls all around the city to the regal palaces of keraton, art enthusiasts will be delighted to know that they have tons to explore here.

Here are the art spaces you must visit in Yogyakarta:

Jogja National Museum (JNM)

Standing under the Yogyakarta Seni Nusantara Foundation, the building itself was originated as Indonesian Fine Arts Academy building. However as time went on, this unused academy is renovated as a museum building had a high value of art related to Indonesian artists. Not only are visitors able to see various forms of art in this museum, but they will also be able to attend art discussions, seminars, workshops, all of important issues have been developing in the world of local, national, and international art.

Address: Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta
Opening hours: Open daily from 09 am – 7 pm
Phone: +62-274586105 (office hours), +62-274542085 (office hours)
Email: yayasanyogyakartaseninusantara@yahoo.com
Website: http://jogjanationalmuseum.com/

Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY)

Built in the 1970s, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta was seen as the ‘window of Yogyakarta.’ It is one of the best places to visit if you are looking for the latest and hippest art culture in Yogyakarta. TBY is never empty and always bustling with solo exhibitions, student exhibitions and various major art events in Yogyakarta. Besides exhibitions, there are also other forms of art performances such as theater, dance, music, painting exhibition, poem reading, and many more. Art-based activities are facilitated here, as there is a Concert Hall which serves as a space for contemporary art and discourse, and the Societet Militar Building which focuses on both traditional and contemporary performing arts.

Address: Jalan Sriwedani, No 1 Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274523512, +62-561914
Opening Hours: Daily from 09 am – 09 pm
Website: http://tby.jogjaprov.go.id/

Museum Affandi

Amongst some of the famous painters in Indonesia, Affandi is known to be the most famous out of all of them. He even had the title of Painting Maestro, bestowed to him due to his accomplishments and talent. Throughout his life, he has painted 2000+ paintings, with more than 300 of his previous art works and personal items are being displayed in this museum. Moreover, the house some has personal touches of his own as he built it himself and was his living quarters while he was alive. Affandi fans will be delighted to see his original art pieces but also understand Affandi when when was alive.

Address: Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 167 Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia
Phone : +62-274562593
Email: affandimuseum@yahoo.com, museumaffandi@gmail.com
Website: https://www.affandi.org/

Bentara Budaya

Bentara Budaya is also one of the must visit in Yogyakarta, as it is one of the oldest art spaces and exhibition halls in Yogyakarta. This gallery has opened with the intention of showcasing the best of Indonesian arts, which includes traditional paintings, wooden statues and ceramics. They also offer an area where artists are able to hold exhibitions and show their work. Furthermore, it regularly organizes a variety of cultural events such as film screening, cultural performances and monthly art lectures and discussions.

Address: Bentara Budaya, JI Suroto, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
Phone: +62 274 560404
Email: bby@bentarabudaya.com
Website: http://www.bentarabudaya.com/contact

This city has always been known as one of the cultural and artistic centers of Indonesia. Art galleries, in particular hold historical significance to the artists that live in Yogyakarta. It contains a history of the beginnings of art and also houses an impressive collection of contemporary works. Since the field of art is widely cherished here, it is also very likely that you will meet friends and minds who think alike during this journey.

Which galleries have you visited in Yogyakarta? Tell us in the comments down below!