All about Jamu Bersalin (Postnatal Jamu)


Jamu is Indonesian traditional herbal drink that is also one of the most prominent alternative medicines in Indonesia. It is not surprising that there is specific Jamu drink for specific health conditions, and one of them is for mothers during postnatal period.

Although the modern health technology is growing rapidly, many mothers in Indonesia still rely on traditional Jamu Bersalin or postnatal Jamu packages to recover from childbirth. This package usually consists of a range of Jamu products (oral and topical) that are supposed to be used within 40 days after childbirth.

Jamu Bersalin helps mothers to stabilize their blood pressure, increase appetite, to reduce bleeding, to strengthen their feet and hands muscles, to increase their breast milk production, and to slim down their bellies. It is believed that postnatal Jamu will make women appear younger, more beautiful, and glowing.

Apparently, you can get this traditional remedy in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. There are a few clinics offering postnatal remedies for mothers using traditional Jamu. But if you’re living in Indonesia, you are lucky because you can get this Jamu easily with affordable prices.

Jamu Bersalin Nyonya Meneer

If you are expecting a child now, you may want to know what kind of Jamu in this package is. In a box of postnatal Jamu, you’ll find:

Jamu Bersalin

Jamu Bersalin or Postnatal Jamu is oral Jamu that are usually come in form of powder or pills. This part is divided into three parts: a part to be consumed within the first 10 days after childbirth, another part for the next 10 days, and the third part for the other 10 days. Usually, the Jamu is packed in sachets in the form of powder or pills.

It is important to talk with your doctor before consuming Jamu Bersalin, especially if you need to consume other medicines prescribed by your doctor.


Pilis is a topical Jamu that is supposed to be used on the forehead. This Jamu is made of turmeric, kencur (aromatic galangal), mint, and Kananga flowers. It is believed to alleviate dizziness and clear mother’s vision. Usually, mothers’ vision will be a little bit blurred after childbirth due to the blood pressure (too high or too low). It also can be caused by the lack of sleep prior to childbirth. Pilis will help to recover mothers from such situations.

Param or Parem

Param is topical Jamu made of rice flour, kencur, fennel, cinnamon, and other aromatic herbs. The use of Param is similar to Lulur or body scrub. However, Param should not be applied onto breasts and stomach. This jamu is applied to treat swelling, which is common after childbirth. This topical Jamu has warming effect that will comfort the swollen areas. If mother has sensitive skin, it is advised to test the product first and see if there is any irritation or allergy effect.


It is common for mothers in Indonesia to wear stagen or corset to slim down their bellies after childbirth. To enhance the effect, they can apply Tapel before wearing the corset. Tapel should be mixed with lime betel and lime juice before being applied.

Mothers who delivered their babies with Caesarean section should not use Tapel until the postoperative wound is completely healed.

Minyak Telon

Minyak Telon is oil made of fennel oil, cajuput oil, and coconut oil which is intended to warm newborn babies. This is often seen as a “must-have item” for every newborn baby, as it has a distinct aroma that is associated to newborn babies. Minyak Telon also helps to improve blood circulation on babies.

There are many famous Jamu Bersalin brands, but Jamu Nyonya Meneer and Air Mancur are two of the most famous brands. You can find these postnatal Jamu packages in the pharmacies near you.

If you have had experience with Jamu Bersalin, do share your feedback and comments below.