9 Gym Equipment You Need at Home

5 Top Fitness Trends in 2024

The landscape of the fitness industry is in perpetual motion, consistently transforming to align with the dynamic needs and preferences of its consumers. The...

10 Reasons Why You Should Perform Surya Namaskar Daily

Reasons Why You Should Perform Surya Namaskar Daily Practicing Surya Namaskar is one of the best ways to start your day. Also known as Sun...

7 Health Effects of Prolonged Headset Use

Listening to our favorite tracks with headsets makes the music sound clearer and so we tend to use it for hours. In fact, using...

5-Step Guide to Healthy Kidneys

Kidneys main function is filtering blood and waste to be excreted through urine. Therefore, kidneys are important for health. Faulty functioning of kidneys leads...