Design Bucket: You Name it, We Make It

Tanisha Kishnani andย Veerti Nathani, both Digital Media Design graduates from LaSalle College International Jakarta and achieved Diploma in Digital Media Design. In the meantime,ย Virta...
Guide To Career Networking

Guide To Career Networking

The key to a successful career is no longer held within your resume. Networking is the career mantra of the millennium. It spells the...
7 Body Languages that Make You Instantly Likeable

How to Make Yourself Instantly Likeable

We all speak one common language - body language! Sending signals all dayโ€”not only through words but also through ourย body language. The way weย move...
Five Rules for Brainstorming

Five Rules for Brainstorming

Creativity and thinking of a big idea is not easy. Many people have their preferred method of finding ideas but there are many other...

8 Ways to Combat Zoom Fatigue

Because of the pandemic, technology is replacing face-to-face human interaction. Instead, applications like zoom and google meets are taking in the reigns as its...

S. M. A. R. T. Goal-Setting: What it is, Questions to...

It is impossible to NOT set goals. In each area of your life, there is a goal that you wish to achieve in work,...

7 Steps to Tackling your Bad Habits

There is always something that we want in our lives; whether it is to become more extroverted, mentally healthier, lose weight, spontaneous or productive....
Aggressive Job Hunting Strategies

Aggressive Job Hunting Strategies

A take-charge attitude may lead you to your next job. Looking for a new job can be extraordinarily taxing--scouring classifieds, searching the Web and...