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Life News Indoindians.com – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Slumber Party Games

Slumber Party Games

Beauty Queens For all those young ladies who want to grow up to be beauty queens, this is one of the best games you could...
Poha Misal

Poha Misal

Ingredients : For Poha: 1 cup poha (flaked or beaten rice) 1 tbsp. peanuts 1/8 tsp. turmeric powder salt to taste lemon to taste 1 tbsp. oil For Misal : 1 cup small...
Eggless ASponge Cake

Recipe: How to Make An Eggless Sponge Cake

Ingredients : 1/2 tin condensed milk (200gms) 2 3/4 cups plain flour (280gms) 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda (soda bicarb) 2 tsp icing sugar 1/2 cup butter...

Vaastu for your Home

Over the ages, observations were made about the laws of nature and their effect on human life and dwellings. Some basic principles were developed...

The Key to Self Esteem

It’s about liking yourself One usually doesn’t say, “I have self-esteem” like one would say, “I have jaundice.” In that sense, self-esteem is difficult to...
Punjabi Samosas

Punjabi Samosas

Bahan-bahan : Untuk 20 buah Minyak untuk menggoreng Mint/tamarind chutney, siap pakai Adonan kulit : 250 g tepung terigu, ayak 1sdt garam 5 sdm minyak 1 ½  sdt biji ketumbar, sangrai 100 g...
Stain Removal

How to Remove Stains

Stains can disfigure a favorite dress, carpets, curtains and more. It is important to remove stains as soon as possible - and before they...

Fried Okra Recipe

Serve fried okra as an unusual appetizer at your next cocktail party. You can also serve this at any meal time for the satisfying...