Tips and Tricks on Buying Clothes Online

Online shopping really helps us to purchase items without even leaving our house. It’s a solution for those who don’t have time to go...
Knowledge Management, Why it Matters?

Knowledge Management, Why it Matters?

by Poonam Sagar : Computers have changed everything in the business world. From the way we manage data, provide customer service to the way...
7 Cool Healths and Fitness Mobile Apps You Should Install on Your Phone

7 Cool Health and Fitness Mobile Apps You Should Install on...

Technology really helps us in any kind of activities we do. Maybe you’ll agree if it is said that there must be an app...
Be Careful! Some People Might Steal Your Go-Pay Balance

Be Careful! Some People Might Steal Your Go-Pay Balance

We can’t doubt the convenience we get from ride-hailing apps like Go-Jek, Grab, and Uber. Hailing a motorbike or car to go somewhere is...
Camera Dealers in Jakarta

Camera Dealers in Jakarta

Nama Dealer Alamat No.Telp No.Fax E-mail Kotaraya Foto & Video Glodok Plaza Shopping Center Lt.Dasar No.70-71 (021) 62302697 (021) 62302687 Mall Mangga Dua Lantai Dasar No.6 (021) 62301190 / 6120183 (021) 6127553 Aneka Foto Pasar Baru Metro...
Better Golf with Technology

Better Golf with Technology

By: Poonam Sagar - Mention technology, and the first thing most golfers think about is how advances in design and materials have so dramatically...
QR Codes: link physical world to mobile for an interactive experience

QR Codes: link physical world to mobile for an interactive experience

By Poonam Sagar : You might wonder what that fancy digital looking box pictured left is and what it's used for. This two-dimensional bar...
Are you addicted to online shopping?

Are you addicted to online shopping?

Online shops are a gift for those who do not like to spend hours in the mall looking for things. Just sit in front of...