Computer Buying Considerations
Why buy a computer?
Think long and hard as to why you want to buy a computer. Do you want to buy a computer to...
Green Technology For You and Your Business
Paper has been around since the Egyptians invented the paper making process some 4,000 years ago. To this day, pulp is still used as...
Things You Should Never Put in the Microwave
Microwave is probably one of the household items that modern families cannot live without. It heats and reheats foods and beverages and can even...
Better Golf with Technology
By: Poonam Sagar - Mention technology, and the first thing most golfers think about is how advances in design and materials have so dramatically...
Streaming vs downloading: which saves more mobile data?
Nowadays, we can watch our favorite movies, music and TV shows literally anywhere - on our smartphones. We do not have to always buy...
3 Things Google Users Should Know about Gmail Scam
Google has issued a new warning to Gmail users because there is a scam that carries Google's name. The new alert revolved around a...
Top New Skills To Learn in 2024
If you’re considering developing your skills, why not do it right now? The choice of skills depends on your interests, career goals, and the...
What is Ransomware and How to Prevent It
If you live in Indonesia or currently using Indonesian mobile number, you might have received an SMS from Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of...