You are a brand too

Brand ‘YOU’ Online

Way back in September 1997 the front cover of Fast Company signified the importance of branding for executives with the headline 'A Brand Called...
Digital media brings the Indonesian market together, creating greater opportunities for businesses to leverage onDigital media brings the Indonesian market together, creating greater opportunities for businesses to leverage on

Indonesia: Living a Digital Life

by Poonam Sagar : Indonesia consists of over 17.000 islands with a burgeoning literate population, and Internet has emerged as the best way to...
Role of Technology in Delivering Superior Service

Role of Technology in Delivering Superior Service

The refrigerator was on the blink and the ice had melted in the freezer. Visions of rotting, stinking food floated in front of my...
Things You Should Never Put in the Microwave

Things You Should Never Put in the Microwave

Microwave is probably one of the household items that modern families cannot live without. It heats and reheats foods and beverages and can even...
A Second Life for Dead Gadgets E-waste Management

A Second Life for Dead Gadgets E-waste Management

by Poonam Sagar : My laptop bag is generic with 2 short handles and a long shoulder strap. The other day when my daughter...

Green Technology For You and Your Business

Paper has been around since the Egyptians invented the paper making process some 4,000 years ago. To this day, pulp is still used as...
Clean Your PC

Clean Your PC

Introduction Keeping your computer clean can do a lot for your system, and even your overall productivity. Sticky keyboards make it difficult to type (believe...

PT Infotech Solutions: Empowering Media Convergence 

Information and Communication Technology is indisputably the key driver across major industries. It is effecting major changes in our lifestyles – in the way...