Are parabens safe?

What are parabens? Are they safe?

In the past few years, there has been a buzz about how parabens are dangerous and carcinogenic. But, is it true? Parabens are chemicals commonly...
Recommended Dermatologists in Jakarta

Recommended Dermatologists in Jakarta

Wrinkles, acnes, and blackheads are very common skin problems. But, there are other conditions that can affect the skin. Some cause mild symptoms, while...
A Rainbow of Healthy Food

4 Healthy Eating Tips for Calories Care by Sarita Maheshwari Sharda

A healthy diet is not only important for weight loss and weight management rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood,...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 6: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 6: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose

Day 6 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose Going into the asana:  - Slide your knees toward your center line, stacking the right knee directly over...
healthy food recipe

Top 12 Foods for Weight Loss – Really!

Do you know that some foods can help with weight loss? Now that I've got your attention, let me let you in on a...

Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge Day 3 Cat Cow (Marjaryasnana) with Vajrasana

Now we are on day 3 of Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge with Rutu Trivedi Panjawani, a trained yoga instructor. Today we look at the Cat Cow pose...
About Sambiloto or Bitter Leaves

About Sambiloto or Bitter Leaves

It’s so bitter that you still can feel the aftertaste for hours, but it has so many benefits: it’s Sambiloto, or also known as...
Safe Exercises for Pregnant Mothers

Safe Exercises for Pregnant Mothers

Exercising is good for pregnant mothers. Regular exercise while you’re pregnant can actually improve your heart health, give you energy, and pump up your...