Do’s & Don’t s to Inculcate the Habit of Reading

Dos : Begin reading to children as soon as possible. The younger you start them, the easier and better it is. During repeat readings of a...
Home Made Finger Paints

Make Home Made Finger Paints

(non-toxic and really inexpensive) Simple, simple simple. We should have figured this out for ourselves.... Ingredients: 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup salt 1/2 cup water Food...
Childhood Skin Rashes

Childhood Skin Rashes

Skin rashes come in all forms and sizes. Some are raised bumps, others are flat red blotches. Some are itchy blisters; others are pathes...
Kids in The Kitchen

Kids in The Kitchen

With kids home during summer vacations & in the evenings, this would be the perfect time to get the little ones into the kitchen,...
Toddler Birthday Bash

Toddler Birthday Bash

Unlike the one year old, the toddler knows what's going down when it comes to his or her birthday and can actually communicate excitement...
Make a Terrarium

Green Idea: Recycle a Soda Bottle into a Terrarium

As per wikipedia, A terrarium (plural: terraria or terrariums) is usually a seal able glass container containing soil and plants, and can be opened for maintenance to access the plants...
Creative Children

5 Ways to Develop Creativity in Children

Contrary to what people think, creativity is not in-born in every child. It has more to do with skill rather than talent, which means...

5 Hair Salon for Kids in Jakarta

Section: KiddyCuts ROI N Reine Lollicut D’Katz Children’s Hair Salon Purrel Kids and Family Hair Salon Not all salons and barber shops in Jakarta provide haircuts and treatments for kids....