Children Playing

Hindi Poem: बचपन के खेल खिलौने by Usha Rani Bansal

बचपन में हम इक्कड दुक्कड, सटापू, गिल्ली डंडा, कंचे , गिट्टे , चूड़ी के टुकड़ों, से खेलते थे। छप्पन-छुपाई ,चोर - सिपाही ,खम्भा- खम्भा , मिल मिल कर...
Green Detox Smoothie Recipe

Green Detox Smoothie Recipe

Green Detox Smoothie This refreshing green detox smoothie is packed with hydrating fruit and. It’s detoxifying and will truly help you glow from the inside...
Fashion Trends 2024

8 Must-Try Fashion Trends for 2024

Revamp Your Style with 8 Must-Try Fashion Trends for 2024 As we bid farewell to the wild and transformative ride that was 2023, the fashion...

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Living Green

If you are in Malang, come join Indoindians for coffee at Hotel Tugu on Saturday, 22nd April at 9.30am. Earth Day on 22nd April is...

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Health & Well-being in Indonesia

Namaste friends, Good health is about the mind as well as the body - feeling physically fit, and feeling good about ourselves, means that we...
The meaning of rakshabandhan by SriSri Ravishankar

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: RakshaBandhan, the bond of love

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter online here >> Namaste friends, It has been six months since WHO declared COVID-19 a public health emergency of international concern and the...
Paan - Betel Leaf - Green Leaf That Cures

Paan – Betel Leaf – Green Leaf That Cures

The usage of betel leaf is cited as far back as two thousand years. It was found a place in the most ancient Srilankan...

Fractured image effect – Photoshop CS6

Doner shoulder pork belly ball tip meatloaf flank leberkas pork chop pancetta tri-tip jowl tenderloin spare ribs filet mignon. Turducken brisket short loin ham...