Fractured image effect – Photoshop CS6

Doner shoulder pork belly ball tip meatloaf flank leberkas pork chop pancetta tri-tip jowl tenderloin spare ribs filet mignon. Turducken brisket short loin ham...
Personal Year-End Review for Personal Transformation

Personal Year-End Review for Personal Transformation

If we don’t look back, how do we move forward? As we approach the end of another whirlwind year, it's the perfect time to take...
#BlueZone: 6 Breakfast Recipes To Live Longer, Healthier and Younger: Quinoa Porridge

#BlueZone: 6 Breakfast Recipes To Live Longer, Healthier and Younger

People all over the world are obsessed with finding that magical pill in order to stay younger, feel fresher and live longer. Yet it's...

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Health & Well-being in Indonesia

Namaste friends, Good health is about the mind as well as the body - feeling physically fit, and feeling good about ourselves, means that we...

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Purple Pea Flower

Purple pea flower or Bunga Telang in Bahasa Indonesia, scientifically known as Clitoria ternatea or butterfly pea flower, is a vibrant blue-purple flower commonly...

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Living Green

If you are in Malang, come join Indoindians for coffee at Hotel Tugu on Saturday, 22nd April at 9.30am. Earth Day on 22nd April is...
Be positive

Be Positive

Namaskar friends, We have not experienced global disruptions of the severity we are witnessing today since World War 2. Governments have closed borders. Entire industries...
Children Playing

Hindi Poem: बचपन के खेल खिलौने by Usha Rani Bansal

बचपन में हम इक्कड दुक्कड, सटापू, गिल्ली डंडा, कंचे , गिट्टे , चूड़ी के टुकड़ों, से खेलते थे। छप्पन-छुपाई ,चोर - सिपाही ,खम्भा- खम्भा , मिल मिल कर...