LEO: Astrological Predictions for 2020


Leo – This year will be for Long travels, Luck and Spiritual Transformation.

Jupiter aspect will direct you to seek knowledge and help you transform your outlook towards life. You will be finding your true self during the year. You will be advised from your parents, teachers or elders.

Foreign travel is on the cards for those seeking higher learning or better career growth. You will make more money overseas this year than at your home front. In many cases you may even move overseas and position outside your home place.

Be careful with extravagant expenditures as it may put you in severe financial strain. Try not to take legal matters into your hands. It is better to avoid any investments or partnerships that involve risky legal matters.

You will see a lot of changes in your partner. Both of you will explore the meaning of life and marriage. For those who are single, you may find the right partner for yourself.

The last quarter will be a bit turbulent. In general, all turbulences will create new opportunities.

Here is a reading for each of the 12 sun signs. Click on each to read more:

  1. Aries – This is the year of Growth and New Partnerships.
  2. Taurus – You will see a transformation in the first 9 months and then sudden changes in the last quarter.
  3. Gemini –Year of passion, romance, love and partnerships. Are you in the game?
  4. Cancer – Building Trust and strengthening relationships will be the focus.
  5. Leo – This year will be for Long travels, Luck and Spiritual Transformation.
  6. Virgo – Get ready for rewards and some unexpected gains
  7. Libra – Get ready for a Successful Career, Fame and Rewards.
  8. Scorpio – You star the year with renewed vigor and strong spiritual perspective.
  9. Sagittarius – The Golden Year is waiting for you.
  10. Capricorn – Preparation and Planning will be your best friends this year.
  11. Aquarius – This a start of a New Horizon. You are the master of your fate and it is you who can chart your own course.
  12. Pisces – This year you will discover the power of your inner self.

Sundeep Kochar is a celebrity astrologer. For personal interpretations he can be reached at www.sundeepkochar.comΒ