SAGITTARIUS: Astrological Predictions for 2020


Sagittarius – The Golden Year is waiting for you.

Jupiter will be in your own house for full one year. You will witness a rare phenomenon just before the start of new year (December 26 & Dec 27) where by 6 planets are positioned in your house.  Further from Jan 22nd, Saturn will be transiting your house and entering Capricorn signaling last leg of much feared Sade sati.

All these combined till Nov 2020, when Jupiter will transit to debilitated Capricorn, you will have ‘Home Run’ in all the matters of life. You will be earning wealth, fame, success, love, romance, health. For those who are single, there is a high chance of getting married and for those who are married, you will be expanding your family.

Maximize your time and try to gain as much as possible during this period. Even if you are experiencing the last leg of sadasati, this one year should give you very good results provided you play your cards well. In the next year November, Jupiter will enter Capricorn and will be debilitated. The final year impact of the Saturn will depend on the way your birth chart and your dasa period are in place but nevertheless this year you should maximize your returns and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Here is a reading for each of the 12 sun signs. Click on each to read more:

  1. Aries – This is the year of Growth and New Partnerships.
  2. Taurus – You will see a transformation in the first 9 months and then sudden changes in the last quarter.
  3. Gemini –Year of passion, romance, love and partnerships. Are you in the game?
  4. Cancer – Building Trust and strengthening relationships will be the focus.
  5. Leo – This year will be for Long travels, Luck and Spiritual Transformation.
  6. Virgo – Get ready for rewards and some unexpected gains
  7. Libra – Get ready for a Successful Career, Fame and Rewards.
  8. Scorpio – You star the year with renewed vigor and strong spiritual perspective.
  9. Sagittarius – The Golden Year is waiting for you.
  10. Capricorn – Preparation and Planning will be your best friends this year.
  11. Aquarius – This a start of a New Horizon. You are the master of your fate and it is you who can chart your own course.
  12. Pisces – This year you will discover the power of your inner self.

Sundeep Kochar is a celebrity astrologer. For personal interpretations he can be reached at