Quick Guide for Placing Almirah At Home, According To Vaastu

Quick Guide for Placing Almirah At Home, According To Vaastu

Amongst all the furniture present in your home, an almirah or cupboard is one that plays a significant role from deciding the flow of...

Ancient Ayurvedic Treatment: What it is, Benefits and How To Do...

Are your eyes feeling puffy? Or are you beginning to see fine lines around your eyes? Eyebrow pinching is something you can do that...

#Whereto: 5 Places for Thrift Shopping in Indonesia

Many people like to go thrift shopping to get bargain deals of branded items. Sometimes, some of these items are export surplus, while the...

Top 6 Hotels Near Malioboro

Yogyakarta is a city of marvelous art, history and culture. The heart of the city and most famous, is Malioboro, where you find a...

6 Ways to Improve Your Life Using the Law of Attraction

Have you read Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret and practiced the laws of attraction? It main message is that by hoping and visualizing what you...
Yoga Philosophy And Meditation

Yoga Philosophy and Meditation ( Lecture 4 )

LECTURE 4 INTRODUCTION OF HOLY BOOK -PATANJALI YOGA DARSHAN It is said in Ramayan by Tulsi Das vide Soratha 88-B, Verse-4 that without knowing one's greatness...

7 Ways to Reuse Shoe Boxes

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t have a ton of old shoe boxes laying around?  With Earth Day is approaching, we decided to put these shoe...
Introduction of Reiki TUMMO, And Reiki Foundation In Indonesia

Introduction of Reiki TUMMO, And Reiki Foundation In Indonesia

Reiki TUMMO is not about how to become a healer. On the contrary, in Reiki TUMMO you learn and realize that the best healer...