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Travelling in Indonesia. Seeking for Destinations for travelling in Indonesia? Come & Join Largest India Communities in Indonesia.


7 Holiday #Staycation Ideas for 2021

The pandemic has changed how we view holidays. People are expected to stay at home and not go anywhere unnecessary. Enjoy a staycation at home...

Relocating Pets to Indonesia

Relocating pets is a fickle business. There are many things you need to take care of and many things that you should make sure...
6 Endangered Animals You Can Only Find In Indonesia: Sumatran Tiger

6 Endangered Animals You Can Only Find In Indonesia

The diverse natural environment in Indonesia makes it home for thousands of animals. Some of these animals only live in Indonesia and cannot be...
5 Historical Monuments in Indonesia: Perang Kemerdekaan Jimbaran Monument, Bali

5 Historical Monuments in Indonesia

Indonesia has a long history of fighting colonialism. For hundreds of years, Indonesia has fought tooth and nail, with blood, sweat and perseverance for...

#Top3 #ThisWeek: Celery Juice, Savory Garlic Sambal & Emergence of Spy...

Feeling stressed? Why not take a few minutes of rest to catch up with whatโ€™s new? Take some time off your busy schedule to...

How to travel around Indonesia on a budget

Travelling is one of the activities that is proven to lower stress levels. Travelling around Indonesia is amazing with so many different natural biomes....
Orang Utan in Borneo

A Walk in the Borneo Jungle by Nivedita Mitra

A walk in the jungle... I had come directly from Mumbai to Borneo with all the aspects of city living in my consciousness. Jostling on...

Enjoy Flora at Taman Bunga Nusantara!

Indonesia is known to be a land of many cultures and traditions. However, that is not all that Indonesia is known for. Its tropical...